This is a good app for android Smoking And Pregnancy 

(Scan the QR code to download Free Smoking And Pregnancy App)

To help mom to be with smoking problem. Understand how smoking can affect your health and unborn baby.
Good collected information text , video and help link to be share in the app.

-Smoking Cessation
-Maternal health
-Women and smoking
-May cause Breastfeeding Difficulties
-Smoking Causes Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema
-The effects of smoking on pre-natal development
-Quit Smoking Tips
-Puzzle games to relax


Smoking And Pregnancy
Tobacco smoking and pregnancy is related to many effects on health and reproduction, in addition to the general health effects of tobacco. A number of studies have shown that tobacco use is a significant factor in miscarriages among pregnant smokers, and that it contributes to a number of other threats to the health of the fetus.
Ideally, women should not smoke before, during or after pregnancy. If this is not the case, however, the daily number of cigarettes can be reduced to minimize the risks for both the mother and child. This is particularly important for women in undeveloped countries where breastfeeding is essential for the child’s overall nutritional status.

Smoking Before Pregnancy:

It is important to examine these effects because smoking before, during and after pregnancy is not an unusual behaviour among the general population and can have detrimental health impacts, especially among both mother and child as a result. It is reported that roughly 20% of pregnant women smoke at some point during the three months.

Smoking during pregnancy:

In the United States today, approximately 10% of women smoke during pregnancy (March of Dimes. 2010. Smoking During Pregnancy.) Of women who smoked during the last 3 months of pregnancy, 52% reported smoking 5 or less cigarettes per day, 27% reported smoking 6 to 10 cigarettes per day, and 21% reported smoking 11 or more cigarettes per day.
In the United States, women whose
pregnancies were unintended are 30% more likely to smoke during pregnancy than those whose pregnancies were intended.

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Go Healthy, Eat Healthy, Stay Healthy