We all dream of changing in 30 days. We all expect instant rewards at the speed of thought. And, we also expect success at first try. However we were not programmed that way. It takes many years to develop the ingrained pattern for leading our unique lives. The path to winning with positive ageing begins with re- programming the mind.

Once you have chosen the life enhancement of healthy eating, expect success. However your present eating habits and patterns have been ingrained possibly from child hood. Here is a simple behavior that leads to success. Notice yourself. It helps you to identify and learn how you operate with food and how to navigate the path to change to ensure success.

As you create an intention to change, notice your emotions. Let’s say you have an intention to eat healthy. You might have to deal with fear of failure, insecurities of choice of food and resistance to learning new life skills. Holding the intention is the way to success.

Next relish the mistakes. When you perceive a failure, don’t stop trying! Adopt the practice to immediately Start Over. This might sound simple, but it is a powerful mind focusing and behavior altering technique for anyone serious about switching to positive aging using healthy eating techniques.

To maintain your focus, become mindful of your task. Notice if your energy shifts when you fret about a failure. Notice how you feel if you skip the fretting and just Start Over. This helps your new pattern to become truly ingrained in your consciousness as you replace the old pattern. It’s like a musician practicing the same scale on a piano until he feels it is perfect. Musicians don’t say, I made a mistake and give up. Musicians know “it takes a joyful sound to make the world go round” and this is the process it takes to turn your life around.

For instance, at your favorite coffee shop you automatically order your usual 500 calorie sugary drink. Forget about chastising yourself, or accepting your old behavior, just simply Start Over. Order a healthier drink now! Treat the unhealthy drink as a sacrifice and do it with out judgment, without feeling unworthy or feeling that this new path is impossible or that you are designed to be an unhealthy failure. Right then and there you began again. You Started Over. And old wise saying – Now Is the Moment of Power – is working here. It helps you to stay present and not go back to pass behavior or dread the future.

When making positive aging changes it helps to scrutinize your old patterns. Become aware of what automatic behavior brings you comfort and joy. Can you visualize you life without this pattern? These are the times that you will constantly have to remind yourself that you can Start Over. You want to eat a healthy breakfast but you never have time. A starting over pattern would be to reorganize your shopping and preparation time. Winners exceed their expectations by Starting Over.

Author: Celia Westberry


Go Healthy, Eat Healthy, Stay Healthy