What To Eat To Be Younger

Posted by E-Resources | 5:36 AM

Do you know what to do to slow down the aging process? Although we can't stop the process of getting older, we can certainly slow it down with the right foods and activities.

There are quite a few things we can eat and do to prevent the characterizations of aging such as having deep wrinkles, losing precious memory, declining physical prowess and onset of age related diseases like heart diseases, high cholesterol level, diabetes, hypertension, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, joint pain and degeneration and many others.

Since it is not possible to be youthful forever, why not make an effort to slow down the aging process by keeping yourself fit and healthy by having a regular exercise routine and eating the correct foods? If you have to grow older as the clock ticks away, then why not age healthily and with elegant grace?

Simply by changing your eating habits coupled with a regular exercise program not only makes you look and feel younger, it can even save your life and let you live longer. Isn't that a wonderful way to age and getting to see your love ones for many more years?

There are many reasons why we age with time and the main reasons are the exposure to free radicals and the drop in the levels of our important hormones such as our human growth hormones or hgh for short and testosterones.
To offset the damages of free radicals, we need to consume more antioxidants. Antioxidant mops up the free radicals to prevent them from further damaging your cellular tissues. This in turn can help you to prevent diseases such as various cancers, cardiac diseases, Alzheimer's disease and high blood pressure. Aesthetically, because of less free radical attacks, you can reduce the formation of wrinkles making you look younger.

Antioxidants can be found in many types of vitamins so it may be good idea to supplement with multi-vitamins and minerals since our absorption of these micro nutrients are also compromised as we get older with age. Food items that are rich in antioxidants are all forms of fruits, berries, broccoli, spinach, green tea, garlic, fruits and tomatoes.

Do avoid eating processed and refined foods. The foods that come in packed boxes or are chemically refined or processed has many nutritional defects and can make you age faster or make you obese.

You should also consume less sugar laden foods and drinks. Sugar can and do raise your blood sugar level and will also cause you to store body fat besides other health risks. So drink your coffee without sugar and avoid syrupy or soft drinks.

Although this may be sheer common sense, but is usually unheeded. If you are a smoker, it is time to quit smoking. If you are a drinker, it is about time to stop alcohol consumption or at least to cut it down. Smoking not only puts you at risk with many age related diseases, it is also a cause of free radical damages to your body.

Alcohol in itself is a poison that can wreak havoc in your internal organs. Try to drink plenty of plain water instead to flush out toxins. Water is great for detoxification.

A regular exercise routine is also very important for a healthy body and healthy mind. If you have joint problems or arthritis, you can do low impact exercises like riding a stationery bike, go on a stepper, practice free form tai chi or join a yoga class. You should also train with weight resistance exercises to keep you strong and your bones healthy.
Regular exercise not only keeps you fit and healthy, it also helps your body to produce more of your anti aging hormones such as hgh and testosterones. Many people also consume hgh and testosterones releasers to help their bodies produce more of these hormones naturally.

It is rather easy to slow down the aging process. The question is, are you willing to change the foods that you eat and exercise regularly?


Go Healthy, Eat Healthy, Stay Healthy