Finding the resources and information you're looking for is a daunting task. Discovering good, sound and reliable sources can be even more difficult — especially on the Internet.
For those of you living with a past or present diagnosis of cancer, being well informed is one of your best defenses. Some of you have asked recently about finding research updates, the latest in treatment options and how to know what's best for you.
Here are some ideas on how to find the information and education resources that you're looking for:
Get personalized assistance — Go in person to your clinic or health care center and ask if they have a patient library or resource center. Most often the library or education center is staffed with a librarian and educators who can assist in your search for research updates, information and resources. Mayo Clinic Cancer Center in Rochester, Minn., has a Cancer Education Center located on the lobby level of the Gonda building that's open every day (Mon. - Fri.) and can assist with your personal information and educational needs. For more information call 507-266-9288.
Find reliable sources online — Here are a few ideas to help you get started. — search on the cancer topic you are researching and receive the latest evidence-based updates, see also the links at the bottom of each page for references related to the content.For information and education resources that you can download, go to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Publications Locator ( or the American Cancer Society ( information about cancer clinical trials, see our Mayo Clinic site (go to the Resource tab on this page and link to cancer clinical trials) or the NCI site and search for the Clinical Trial Homepage.For excellent research updates see Mayo Clinic Cancer Center (, the American Institute for Cancer Research (, the American Cancer Society (, or the American Association of Cancer Research ( to a cancer journal or newsletter — a few suggestions include:
Mayo Clinic "Living with Cancer" newsletter (link to subscribe is on this page)"Coping with Cancer" magazine and website ("CURE (Cancer Updates, Research & Education)" ("CR" magazine — from the American Association for Cancer Research ( free to share other excellent resources that have helped you in your search for information as a cancer survivor.
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