We've known for awhile that some people will have a worsening of their mood in the winter. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-TALK (8255) Go to the nearest hospital or emergency roomCall your physician, health provider or clergyNational Alliance on Mental Illness
1-800-950-NAMI (6264)This is referred to as Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. SAD can be treated effectively with medication and/or light therapy.
A specific type of light, a full-spectrum light, is sometimes used to treat SAD. Insurance may or may not pay for the light. Not all people with depression have a seasonal worsening of mood.
Some things to keep in mind about SAD and light therapy:
The benefits of light therapy have clearly been shown in multiple studies over many yearsMost people with a diagnosis of SAD show improvement in depressive symptoms one week after starting light therapyLight therapy typically causes few side effects Light therapy requires 15 to 30 minutes per dayUse of light therapy in patients with bipolar affective disorder may destabilize the moodCurrently, researchers are looking at using light therapy to treat major depressive disorder as well as other psychiatric illnesses. Time will tell if light therapy can be used alone to treat depression or other psychiatric illnesses. As always, don't self-diagnose or self- treat; talk to your provider about your symptoms.
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