The Body in Balance

Posted by E-Resources | 10:19 PM

Our long-term health relies on keeping ourselves and our bodies in balance, so that any undue stress or strain that the body experiences can be dealt with efficiently and the body can return to normal after a short period of recovery. If any one of the organs or systems described above is not fully functional, things begin to slow down and can even­tually result in an overload of waste and toxins.

A body that is out of balance will need considerably longer to recover, as more strain is being put on the systems to process the excess waste and toxins - feelings of being 'under par' and tired become more frequent. However, if the body is fully fit and healthy the amount of waste matter to be dealt with is at normal levels and this processing is under control, so we feel well and have plenty of energy.

The detox process is designed to keep all these elimina-tory organs in tip-top tone and condition - in short, in balance.


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