If your heart rhythms do not occur normally, then it can be a result of improper electrical signals being conducted to the heart because of defective cell or tissue pathways. Though the cause of this abnormality might not be clear at times, but conditions like atrial tachycardia, atrial flutter or supraventricular tachycardia can be treated with the help of a procedure called a cardiac ablation. If you are suffering from any cardiac dysfunction and looking for information on what is Cardiac Ablation, then read on.

When you go through the process of cardiac ablation, then the electrophysiologist carries out a cardiac catheterization that is responsible to send radio frequencies to the cells or tissues that are responsible for creating the abnormal heart rhythms. This radio frequency in turn destroys the cells or tissues that are creating problem, so that they are no longer able to transmit the improper signals that are causing arrhythmia.

In cases where the cardiac ablation is seen to be successful, it can also able to prevent the irregular heartbeats and bring back the proper functioning of the heart rhythm. However, the process of cardiac ablation does involve some risks. It is quite a possibility that radio frequency might cause damage to the normal cells and tissues and the same holds true for the catheter tip. It is seen in some cases that when people undergo this process of cardiac ablation, they end up needing a pacemaker. This however is seen in people who might not get any signals to their heart to help it beat normally.

The other considerable risks might include bruising or bleeding of the area where the catheter tip is inserted. Usually, the groin is used for insertion of the catheter and this can also lead to a possible infection; though the practitioner performing the test would take enough precautions to avoid and bruise or infection. Some of the rare complications that can develop as a result of the cardiac ablation include stroke, which can occur in case the catheter touches a blood clot which can find its way to the blood stream. This however is a rare risk seen as negligible in most cases.

The process of cardiac ablation usually only takes a couple of hours. However, the process can take up to six hours for the entire process. This process is conducted only if the physician feels that it would be effective for a particular patient. Usually, cardiac ablations are an outpatient process, but at times the doctor might want you to stay over night for observation in case any side effects occur and also for checking the improvement that the procedure has resulted in. You will have to visit the doctor frequently to have your cardiac rhythm analyzed so that the doctor can determine the progress.

The success rate of cardiac ablation has been recorded up to 90% in cases of defective atrial rhythm. The process seems to be less promising in case of abnormal ventricular rhythms, but still almost 70-80% of the cases resulting from ventricular tachycardia can be cured with the help of cardiac ablation. These days, cardiac ablation is being preferred as a good option before moving to surgical treatments.


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