Why Should I Detox?

Posted by E-Resources | 8:29 AM

Two more hours per day, glowing skin, weight loss of several pounds, high energy levels, clear-headedness, higher thresholds for stress and tension, no cellulite, good body tone and a great feeling of being relaxed and totally in control of how you feel ... that's why you should detox.
Most people will agree that they don't feel totally 100 per cent. What are we doing to cause these feelings of ethargy and tiredness that we have become so used to? Generations have taken their bodies and health for granted and survived perfectly well, so why should we feel this way now? Relatively recent developments mean we are more sophisticated in the way we live. Eating is an integral part of our lives, not just as a matter of survival but as a social activity too.

Malnutrition in the West is rare. The food industry is so efficient that everything is available all year round, and we almost have too much choice. Our knowledge of food is much greater: most of us know what's good and what's bad. Stress levels are high, but no more so than for our parents. We are all aware of how important exercise is to maintaining fitness. So why do we get it so wrong? Why do we feel more like baked beans than spring beans?

We go to college or university, we have careers, we have families, we wear fashionable clothes, we 'do lunch', we entertain, we go on foreign holidays, we have wines and 'premium beers', we have long weekends away, we have deadlines ... what we don't have is a lot of time for ourselves. We don't sit and enjoy a nice quiet family lunch, we don't check our alcohol consumption, we don't cook or bake but buy convenience foods, we can't leave things until tomorrow, we skip meals, we grab a takeaway, we drive everywhere, we sit all day and we use tea and coffee to wake us up because we don't have time for an early night ... which is all fine - occasionally and in moderation.

The 'modern' way of doing things, however, means we don't do things in moderation. We need to pack twice as much into every day, and we have devised short cuts to enable this to happen.

Preservatives, pre-packed foods, refined foods, fast foods, over-eating, under-eating, driving everywhere, bad posture, tight clothing, restrictive clothing... the human body is wonderfully resourceful and will cope with quite a lot, but eventually things get out of control. If nothing is done, something has to give, and our bodies tell us with slow burn symptoms: dull skin, mouth ulcers, tiredness, weight loss, weight gain. If we choose to ignore the signs at this stage we are likely to go on to develop a more serious condition, but by acting on these warnings we can take full control and bring ourselves back to the peak of health.



Go Healthy, Eat Healthy, Stay Healthy