AS SEEN ON DR. PHIL & THE DOCTORS If you dread the thought of hitting the gym, tone up quickly at home with the 17 Minute Workout, a revolutionary exercise program designed to burn fat and increase your metabolism. This companion DVD features three workouts that target the butt, abs and total body conditioning, plus a bonus workout to help you get sleek, sexy arms. No matter your fitness level, these easy-to-follow exercises will help boost your weight loss efforts and tone your entire body. Start out with just one 17 minute workout, and before you know it, you'll be doing all three! Whittle down that waist and say bye-bye to embarrassing belly fat. The 17 Minute Workout will get you back into your sexy jeans in no time!
You've seen the show, now bring on the results! The Biggest Loser® Workout 1 DVD features 6 workout routines, each designed for the ultimate weight loss.
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The Instinctive Weight Loss System - New, Groundbreaking Weight Loss Product- 7 CD's, Over 7 hours of Hypnosis for Weight Loss and Mind Reconditioning Sold in Over 40 Countries Worldwide
The Instinctive Weight Loss System comes in a 7 CD Pack, in addition to the preloaded audio player. These 7 CDs contain 7 hours of Hypnosis, NLP, and Instinctive Training that helps produce automatic weight loss.
Damien Young, a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Sports Nutritionist, and Personal Fitness Trainer eloquently relays groundbreaking, new information that can't be found anywhere. This insightful 7 hours of information can and will change the lives of anyone who needs or wants to lose weight. By reconditioning the subconscious mind, one can achieve weight loss that's automatic. Losing weight without thinking about it has been the goal of scientists, dieticians, psychologists, and physicians for over a century. Damien Young has discovered the secret, and shares it with you in this inspiring, brilliant, and soon to be a worldwide phenomena of a product. These 7 hours can make a dramatic and profound impact on your life and your body.
In Damien Young's words:
"Every human being has a Subconscious Mind, and this powerful active force in our lives produce over 60,000 thoughts each day in the average person. Only approx. 10% of those thoughts we actually take notice of. The rest come and go, without much scrutinization on our parts. But it's in these 90% of unconscious thoughts that compel us to take 90% of our actions on a daily basis. It's in these 90% of our thoughts that compel us to eat when we're not hungry, to sit instead of stand, to eat food that's detrimental instead of nutritious, and to avoid exercise even when we know of its benefits. By targeting the source of these 90% of unconscious thoughts, and by changing the perceptions and the images associated with our bodies, food, and exercise in a way that makes it not only enjoyable, but rewarding, we can finally say with certainty that long term weight loss is not only possible, but inevitable."
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Support Video For Those Who Follow 'The Neuropsychology of Weight Control' Program. From The Notes On The Box: "For some people, seeing is believing. That's one reason why SyberVision Systems has developed this motivational video for those of you who are just starting The Neuropsychology of Weight Control program as well as those who need support and encouragement on the way to reaching your goal weight." "If you're new to the program, this video will greatly increase your understanding of the fundamentals of weight control. For those of you who have been using the program, this video provides your own personal support group. You just view the video cassette to review the program's key points." "We at SyberVision Systems know that making a lifestyle change, such as that required by The Neuropsychology of Weight Control, is not without difficulty. To maintain an aerobic exercise program and give up goodies like donuts and sweetened drinks - which seem to be offered every minute when you are trying to cut them out of your diet - you need motivation, such as that provided by the sensory-rich vision of yourself as a lean, energetic person." "This video reviews the benefits of reaching your goal weight and the key points of the program. Featured are testimonials by people who have had dramatic success using The Neuropsychology of Weight Control." "Since they are people just like you, they provide role models who can inspire you to reach your goal weight. You see in this video the dramatic changes they have made in their lives. In moments of doubt, should they arise, you can replay this video for support and encouragement."
15 minute scientific introduction to the pH Miracle. Dr. Robert Young explains how you can lose weight, prevent disease and reclaim your health. Forget cholesterol counts, calories and fat grams, blood pressure, blood sugar or hormone levels. It's all about balance - the pH balance in your body's blood. Sit back and watch as Robert O. Young, Ph.D., a leading microbiologist and nutritionist, in partnership with his wife, Shelley, bring their "new biology" to light, and help you achieve the incredible health results of "The pH Miracle". Say goodbye to low energy, poor digestion, excess weight, aches and pains, and disease. And say hello to a new way of eating, living and thinking that will bring you vigor; mental clarity, better overall health, and a lean trim body. This powerful 15 minute video presentation features Robert O. Young and Shelley Redford Young as they walk you through the basic steps to embark on "The pH Miracle program".
Train Your Brain to Stop Overeating - Self hypnosis CD to Curb the Appetite, Eat Healthier and Lose Weight without Dieting
The Source of all motivation lies in the depths of your mind. Attempting to eat healthier and exercise more through sheer willpower alone, is a recipe for self sabotage. By accessing your subconscious mind and conditioning it for weight loss, you'll experience motivation that is life long and automatic.
Train Your Brain to Stop Overeating is comprised of one audio cd with 2 tracks.. Track 1 gives you the reasons and truths behind overeating. Track 2 will help embed the information found in track 1 into your subconscious mind to help instill long term ,new and healthy habits.. This cd will help to overcome the urge to eat when not hungry, and will help to stop overeating when you've physically had enough.
Damien Young is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Sports Nutritionist, and highly sought after Personal Trainer with a lifetime of experience in his respective fields. He is the CEO of Stay Young Fitness, Inc., And the Founder of the Train Your Brain Series. His technique of combining Clinical Hypnotherapy, Nutrition, and Fitness has been proven to be highly effective. This Mind-Body Fitness approach has inspired thousands of people to achieve successful weight loss around the globe.
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First of all this week, diet Blog has been ranked the 25th Best Health Blog from
Tens of thousands of fitness-related websites on the internet, they compiled a list of the top 100. We would like to thank our great writers and, above all, our loyal readers for making diet Blog site is valuable.
Have you heard of Terry Hitchcock? It is he who ran 75 consecutive marathons to 75 days to raise awareness about the problems of single parent. The new doco "Me" will be showing in select theatres on 31 March 2004. The history looks really inspired.
Pasta dishes are popular choices restaurant menus and can kill any diet with Calorie laden Goodness. Here is a large list, illustrated the Unhealthiest Pastas from 30 popular restaurants. Watch Out For.
Finally this week, we would like to mention one useful new blog about everything from medical conditions for fitness and nutrition. is written by a team of students pursuing advance degrees in medicine and health.
The diet was created by doctor Millenium Mark Davis based his research on daily feeding patients.
Considering the foodstuffs observed specific foods and food groups that caused weight gain issues. Dr. Davis found that when certain foods were reduced, or eliminated entirely, his patients were able to lose weight loss, at a rate of four to eight pounds per week.
The book also includes a diet plan that can help you lose up to 30 pounds within the first month of trying.
And, although the idea that "slow and steady wins the day ' is the conventional advice for weight loss, a recent study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, suggests that more rapid weight loss leads to better results on a long-term basis.
The diet of the MDGs is essentially a low-carb, high protein diet. From the website Millenium diet,
Insulin is an important factor in the metabolism of glucose. One of the lesser known functions is as a component of the metabolism of fat. When insulin increases hormone sets off a cascade of other enzymes which increase the deposition of fat in the body. The converse also occurs because high insulin levels block the breakdown of fat. This program takes advantage of these events by choosing foods that do not cause insulin levels. Therefore, the body will burn fat instead of sugar. You will lose weight.
A typical day diet might look like this:
Breakfast: omet albumen with Turkey baconLunch: Green Salad with grilled chicken breastSnack: AlmondsDinner: white fish steamed with lemon and herbs, and a green saladFinished off with a multi-vitamin and plenty of fresh water daily.Sounds like just another low-carb diet plan for me, but what do you think the idea that you can lose 30 pounds in a month-that is healthy or dangerous?
Contrary to popular opinion, the exercise has been generally positive net result, when it comes to the health of the knee.
A meta-analysis published in medicine and science in sports and exercise, reviewed 28 studies (representing approximately 10,000 attendees) regarding physical activity and knee like osteoarthritis.
Here is what came up with.
Researchers at Monash University in Australia found that studies on exercise and knee pain can cause conflict, with some studies showing adverse effects, some positive and some neutral researchers entrenched deeper to see the effects in different parts of the knee. Exercise promotion actually osteophytes (bony Spurs) with the knee joint, however there was a marked absence of supporting cartilage damage. The bony Spurs is simply a healthy response to mechanical stimulation of the public, not as an indication of disease. Further, exercise did not restrict the common area where housed knee cartilage. In addition, physical activity actually was associated with increased cartilage volume and fewer defects, the cartilage itself. The concentration of these studies, it seems that the exercise is generally beneficial effect for knees. Joint pain and knee pain, is highly individual, with a combination of genetics/mechanical and environmental factors to be examined.-activity Vary comprise both impact and non-impact cardio work. Power train-working muscles around them, focusing on compound movements (squats lunges//deadlifts). supplement to strength training with accessory/postural task-focusing on getting your butt nose clip shot and ensure good kidney alignment. do not forget the labour mobility and tissue-to work with mobilization of the hips and ankle joints, and use a foam roller or another device that is designed to trigger points massage.Having high levels of HDL, or "good" cholesterol, may help men reach their 85oy birthday, claims a new study.
According to the American Heart Association, HDL cholesterol helps remove excess cholesterol from the arteries, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, unlike the LDL or "bad" cholesterol that clogs the arteries and increases the risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke.
Researchers found men with higher HDL CHOLESTEROL was more likely to turn 85 (i.e. 28% less likely to die), 28% as compared with men with the lowest levels of HDL.
Published in the American Journal of Cardiology, scientists analyzing medical records for 650 veterans at the age of 65, and then put them into groups based on their HDL levels. Researchers have found men with low HDL was 14% less likely to live in 85 years. 375 study participants survived 85.
In addition, evidence showed that fewer men with higher HDL cholesterol was overweight, drank alcohol (not more than 2 drinks per day), smoked, or cardiovascular disease.
However, the researchers point out that it is difficult to increase HDL levels, saying that a drug must eventually be developed.
However, some experts point to diet foods like avocados, peas, lentils, oatmeal, and foods containing soy, Niacin-like tomatoes, chicken and mushrooms-help raise HDL cholesterol. Naicin (vitamin B3) helps block production of cholesterol in the body.
Heart disease is the number one cause of death worldwide. In 2004, the World Health Organization says 1.7 million people died from cardiovascular disease, such as stroke (5.7 million) and coronary heart disease (7.2 million).
Eating a Mediterranean diet may help prevent metabolic syndrome, proposing a new study.
The Mediterranean diet-native to the countries of southern Europe-are rich in fruits, vegetables, wine, whole grains, beans, nuts, fish and olive oil, but low in saturated fats, meat and dairy products. The Mediterranean diet has been linked with reduced health risks, particularly cardiovascular disease. According to the American Heart Association.
Published in the journal of the American Academy of Cardiology, the scientists reviewed 35 clinical trials and found sticking to a diet reduced the likelihood of developing low HDL or "good" cholesterol, high blood sugar, triglyceride fat belly too, high, and high blood pressure.
Metabolic syndrome is a combination of medical conditions that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, including type 2 diabetes, obesity or overweight, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
In the study, researchers found people who follow a Mediterranean diet had eylygisti waistlines (smallest 0.02 inches) and a paragraph 2.35 lower systolic blood pressure reading on average. Scientists say that the results are minimal, but continue to indicate that the Mediterranean diet helps to reduce heart risks.
According to the U.S. Centers for disease control and prevention, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States for both men. 785,000 Americans suffer each year their first heart attack.
"Naturally thin" or "naturally thin" has become a bit of a vogue in recent years--but what we can learn from these so-called natural thin types?
Well, Bethenny Frankel has written her own book, "Naturally Thin: unleash your SkinnyGirl and free yourself from a lifetime of dieting," as a guideline on what they are eating.
Basically, this is a book of tips, ideas and tips Bethenny on banishing fat-thinking. It is really a merge from what has been learned from their own struggles with weight.
If you do not know, is the natural food chef Bethenny, author, and one of the original five housewives featured in the series, the real housewives of New York City.
The book is divided into two sections: "Rules" and "natural thin program." in the first section there is an explanation of the ten basic rules:
Your diet is your Bank may have accountYou everything, just not all in everything, onceTaste nothingPay attentionDownsize nowCancel eat your integration NET plate clubCheck yourself before you wreck yourself realGood yourselfKnow thyselfGetThe second section goes through a few weeks of Bethenny eat, to demonstrate how to implement the rules in your everyday life, just like this.
Is this section in the book where things begin to fall apart shortly. Bethenny's dog food is fairly minimalistic sometimes--skipping meals and counting two bites of food as a snack, it does not seem like a very nutritious diet.
However, perhaps this is what those who are "naturally thin" tend to eat small, frequent, and what do you think? Then again I never order a steak in a restaurant, and I allow only three bites, will you?
Good things about this book includes emphasis on control section, as well as the fact that all foods can be enjoyed in moderation.
However, a little unhealthy content.
It is important to remember with books such as these (i.e. celeb-endorsed diets), that everything seems to work for a celebrity may not be healthy for you. Certainly I do not see this diet as "ideal" for most people.
Blair, the 6-foot-8, 575-pound representative for the heart attack Grill, died at the age of 29 from pneumonia.
A former Arizona State high school wrestling champion and College football player, Blair was the star of many heart attack Grill commercials. make fun at his weight.
The heart attack Grill, based in Phoenix, Arizona, serving burgers, such as four-Marin "quadruple bypass Burger and French fries," snails in lard called "flatliner Fries."
Blair may have contracted pneumonia after a Bout of flu. While not part of any official cause of death,--research has linked obesity to poor immune system function. the reduction of the Agency's ability to fight the infections.
Founder Jon Basso has expressed remorse and sorrow during Blair's passing, to call a "creative genius", which was set to star in "the heart attack Grill: the music," another commercial for the restaurant.
Other heart attack Grill menu options include shake butterfat-touted as "the world's content"-candy, soda, beer, cigarettes and the "smaller" Single, double, and triple bypass hamburgers.
Unhealthy lifestyle gives weight to our children is not genetic, according to a study by the University of Michigan cardiovascular Center, published in American magazine.
Overweight children are more likely to eat school meals instead of a packed lunch and watch TV or play video games for two hours a day.
The study focused 1,003 with graduation marks Michigan sixth-graders who participated in the program, healthy schools, a school-based program aimed at teaching students healthy habits to reduce the future risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
15 percent of respondents were obese, but almost all students (overweight or not) reported a unhealthy habits 58 percent of obese children sitting in front of the Tv for two hours a day, compared with 41% of their weight in a healthy peers. Also, 45 percent of obese students ate a lunch offered by the School each day, compared with only 34 percent of the weight in a healthy students ... much less overweight children exercised on a regular basis, took a class of physical education or participated in a sporting team. While it was clear that could stand only for all students to participate in healthier habits, obese youth were significantly less likely to engage in healthy behaviors. Study first author, Taylor f. Eagle, saidIf diet and physical activity were similar obese and non-obese students, this will support a stronger genetic basis for obesity in children.
While this would be incorrect to pin complexity obesity exclusively in genetic or lifestyle, it appears that lifestyle genetic advantages in terms of the composition of our destiny.
In other words, the gene can load the gun, but we can control the trigger with our way of life.
More than 72 million adults in the United States is obese. According to the U.S. Centers for disease control and prevention. Experts blame the increase in consumption of junk food for the epidemic of obesity, but not all snack foods are created equal, some may be good for you.
Here are easy to find "healthier" snack food seven ...
1. Super Odwalla protein bar
With ingredients such as soy, dried vine fruit, puree and date unsweetened coconut. grains, such as organic rolled oats and barley flakes, and vitamins and minerals, including calcium, iron, proteins, beta-carotene and vitamin c.
Odwalla Super protein bars have 210 calories per bar, 2,5 g total fat, saturated fat 1 g, 14,0 g protein, 4 grams fiber, 150 mg sodium, 17.0 g sugar and carbohydrate 30.0 g.
2. those Sunsweet
Sunsweet these individually packaged prunes (dried plums) and prunes are sources of Omega-6 fatty acids, protein, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and vitamin a.
Per serving (four plums), Sunsweet contain 100 calories, 0 g total fat, 0 g g saturated fat, 1 g protein, 0 g dietary fiber, 5 mg sodium, 12.0 g sugar and carbohydrate 24.0 g.
3. light sauce Mott's plus
Varieties of Mott plus light sauces made with things such as apples, cranberries and hazelnuts, raspberries, and are good sources of vitamin c and potassium.
Per serving (3.9 oz, a cup), each flavor contains 50 calories, 0 mg total fat, 0 mg saturated fat, 0 g protein, 0 g to 1,0 g of fiber, 0 mg sodium, 11.0 g and 13.0 g sugar, carbohydrates.
4. Snyder of Spades koyloyria-100 Calorie Packs
The ingredients include Snyder Sticks koyloyria unbleached wheat flour, canola oil, water, salt, malt, yeast and soda, and contain iron.
Each serving (one packet) has 100 calories, total fat 1 g, 1.2 g of saturated fat, protein, fiber 0 g, sodium 260 mg, 1 g sugar, down below 1,0 g and 2,0 g of carbohydrate.
5. mini Babybel lights
Mini Babybel cheeses with lights is part-skim milk, salt, whey proteins and enzymes. and are good sources of calcium and vitamin a.
A lot of Mini Babybel light (a cheese) has 50 calories, 0 g total fat, 4.5 g of saturated fat, 6 g protein, 0.0 g fiber, 160 mg sodium, 0 grams of sugar and 0 grams of total carbohydrates.
6. apples (honorable mention)
The old standby, apples are good sources of fiber, vitamin C, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and antioxidants.
Apples contain around 50 calories, 0 g total fat. 79, 0 g saturated fat, 0.26 g protein, 2.4 g fiber, 0 mg sodium, sugar, 10.39 13.81 g carbohydrates.
7. fat free Bumble Bee tuna salad, crackers
Bumble Bee dolphins, tuna salad, Fat free crackers made with with stuff like light tuna, vegetable broth, egg, onion powder, water chestnuts, carrots, bean and wheat flour enriched, and contain nutrients such as iron, calcium, and vitamin a.
Fat free Bee bumble bees tuna salad, crackers have 70 calories per can, 0 g total fat, 0 g saturated fat, 7.0 g protein, 0 g fiber, 450 mg of sodium, 5.0 and 10.0 g of sugars g carbohydrates.
The crackers have 80 calories per serving (6 crackers), 1.5 grams of total fat 0,5 g of saturated fat, protein, 0 g 1 g fiber, 310 mg sodium, sugars and 14,0 2,0 g g carbohydrates.
There is a considerable amount of controversy surrounding the issue of saturated fats, cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases these days. Of course, it appears that the cholesterol itself is a predictor of heart disease developed.
And, just to add this confusing mixture, a new study published in the journal Annals of Neurology suggests that dietary cholesterol has little or no reason to play a role in the development of ischaemic stroke.
Contractual advice States that one of the risk factors for ischemic stroke (when blood supply to the brain is blocked by the accumulation of fatty deposits in the blood vessels), high cholesterol levels.
14,000 men and women were followed for more than 30 years. Researchers have examined the relationship between cholesterol levels and risk of ischaemic stroke. They found no relation at all to women, and increased risk of stroke in men, unless the cholesterol levels were raised 9.0 mmol/l (348 mg/dl) or greater.Levels of triglycerides and stroke risk
The researchers also examined the relationship between triglyceride levels and stroke risk and discovered that when triglyceride levels were higher than the risk of stroke were higher, too.
Thus, it is most closely connected border with triglycerides of cholesterol, but if higher levels can cause stroke are still unknown.
Interestingly, previous evidence has linked the triglycerides with an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Researchers concluded that,
Reduce both lipids provide more benefit of the reduction of LDL-C only. Source file
So, how can you lower your triglyceride levels?
Maintaining a healthy body weight is more actively avoid intake of carbohydrate., particularly simple sugars. Limit your alcohol intake. Quit smoking.Government guidelines recommend a diet lower in fat and high in carbohydrates, but if you avoid the intake of carbohydrates is beneficial for triglyceride levels, perhaps conventional diet advice needs a revamp--what I think?
Sweetened beverages, including soda and fruit drinks may increase the risk of high blood pressure, says a new study.
Findings showed that every "extra" can of sweetened soda consumed increased both systolic and diastolic readings, blood pressure.
The US Centers for disease control and prevention warns that any drink containing high-fructose corn syrup, fructose, fruit juice concentrates, honey, sugar, corn syrup, sucrose syrup, dextrose, or is considered a "sweetened drinks."
Published in the Journal hypertension, researchers reviewed data on 2,696 volunteers, 40 to 59, from the United States and Britain in the month. And three weeks study, participants were asked to give four times what they had eaten for the last 24 hours, give samples of urine and have their blood pressure control.
Data disclosed for each extra can of soda or sweetened beverages drank every day, people had an average of 1.6 mmHg systolic blood pressure reading is higher and higher average diastolic reading 0.8 mmHg. So the researchers recommend people restrict soda consumption.
In addition, the scientists found that people who consumed more sweetened beverages usually have unhealthier diet. more calories and less fiber and minerals.
The American Heart Association encourages reduced intake of added sugars due to potential health risks such as high blood pressure, stroke, obesity and cardiovascular disease.
Too much body fat may increase the risk of his triple-negative breast cancer, a rarer and more aggressive form of the disease, a new study claims.
According to the triple negative Breast Cancer Foundation, this type of breast cancer is diagnosed when a cancer does not have three "receptors" associated with breast cancer tumors: estrogen receptors, progesterone receptors and human epidermiko growth factor receptor 2 's. The triple negative breast cancer chemotherapy response, but more targeted therapies usually receiver do not work.
The new study, published in the Journal cancer epidemiology, prevention, and means scientists analyzing data for the 155,723 women, taking part in a study on the effects of menopausal women, hormone replacement therapy. Scientists focused on the body mass index (BMI) levels and exercise of 307 men in the study were diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer, and women were 2,610 estrogen receptor positive breast cancers.
Researchers discovered that women with a higher BMI was 35% higher risk of breast cancer is negative, and triple-a 39% increased risk of breast cancer, estrogen-fed. Body fat has been shown to produce more estrogen.
Overall, the scientists say that the effect was "moderate", but the results can provide new ways for women to reduce the risks of breast cancer is triple negative.
In 2008, the World Health Organization (who) data says cancer killed 7,6 million people worldwide. Breast cancer deaths accounted for 460,000. fifth in a row, behind lung cancer, stomach, liver and colon. And depending on the survey, in 2008, of 1.5 billion adults, aged 20, was overweight. 200 million men and approximately 300 million women were obese.
Image credit: gamingmight
Another reason to get a good amount of sleep – protection against colon cancer
Getting a good amount of sleep (for most people, between 7 and 9 hours of sleep) has been advocated for a number of health reasons. Sleep is the time when the body Gets to reload itself and is the time when the brain Gets the time to get back to good working condition (several studies have shown that when a person does not sleep the suficienteo brain becomes slower in operation, and in extreme conditions, if the brain has not get rest for 2 days or more, get off to ensure that some amount of sleep is available). In addition, getting an insufficient amount of sleep is also associated with an increased risk of health problems like diabetes, obesity, heart disease and so on.
Researchers are always the quest to find the links between diseases and various factors that may contribute to this type of problem, through statistical methods (since these statistical methods enable the discovery of links between cause and effect and provide an entry point for most clinical research). In a similar such research, researchers found that getting less than six hours of sleep had led to an increased risk of developing Colorectal adenomas (link to article):
Researchers at the University Medical Center hospitals (UH) Case and Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine found that individuals who averaged less than six hours of sleep during the night had an increase of almost 50 per cent of the risk of Colorectal adenomas in comparison with people sleepingat least seven hours a night.
Adenomas are a precursor to cancer tumors, and treated, they can turn malignant. "A short period of sleep can now be seen as a new risk factor for the development of the development of colon cancer," said Li Li, principal investigator of the study.
Patients with adenomas were found in general have communicated to sleep less than six hours compared to patients without patients adenomas (control).
The main purpose of hands-on therapy called feldenkrais Method is to help you become more conscious of your posture and movement patterns, explore how you simply and enhance learning of new standards. This approach is not intended to treat specific medical conditions, but instead helps you respond differently to them. Based on the theory that people over a period of time to develop standards to compensate for the pain or injury, but these standards can become obstacles to healing and optimal functioning. Subtle changes to these habits can improve flexibility, balance, breathing and coordination, relieve tension, pain and tension.
The program is offered in two ways:
-Firstly, you're verbally guided through movements smooth, usually while lying on the floor or sitting in a Chair.
-Secondly, it uses a contact practical to meet individual needs. The practitioner can move his arms, legs, head or trunk so as to enhance their awareness of patterns of movement.
-With both forms, the practitioner can call attention to elements as your breathing or the differences between the two sides of his body.
Because the movements are smooth and do not involve any pain or tension, most people can participate and possibly benefit from this method. People who use this method often perceive changes in the patterns of thinking when they change their patterns of movement. This method is most often used for greater flexibility, coordination and balance, neck, back and relieving joint pain, headache, neuromuscular diseases and physical rehabilitation.
The Alexander technique hands-on focuses on unlearning harmful patterns of movement. There is a set of exercises, but a conscious change in mentality that supports better physical movement. Its basic principles emphasize balance, ease, lightness and stream to neutralize the stiffness, stress and tension. Another goal of Alexander is restore expansiveness global body. Alexander method is most often used to improve coordination and balance, pain relief and improvement of conditions caused by misalignment as chronic muscular tension and pain in lower back and neck.
During a typical session, the practitioner uses a practical approach to guide you. You may find yourself at the table while the practitioner gently guides its members. During their daily activities, the practitioner can give you verbal suggestions such as "back lengthens and broadens" or "front of the head and even" to help you shed the harmful habits.
Hands-on therapies work towards more efficient movement, relaxed and correct body alignment for your body to function properly. Instead of relying on manipulating energy, hands-on therapies, or manuals, work, applying the pysical forces for the body. Hands-on therapies include:
Research has shown that massage is effective especially for chronic lumbar and neck pain. It is defined as hands-on soft tissue manipulation through touch, movement or pressure ranges from gentle stroking therapy and kneading the deeper, manual massage techniques. The positive effects that resulted from massage therapy include relieve muscle tension, increase range of motion, improving blood circulation and lymphatic flow, shrinking the depression and anxiety, improving sleep, and in some cases, lessen dependence on medication. Massage is often used for stress and anxiety, neuromuscular conditions such as pain in the neck or back, muscular pain, fibromyalgia.
Sessions can vary depending on the technique of massage used. A masseur begins by making your medical history and discussing health concerns and goals that you have. Therapy can be made partially or totally unclothed skeleton smallest with a towel or sheet covering you. Often, oils or lotions are used to avoid uncomfortable friction on your skin.
Some complications as discomfort for a day or two especially with deep tissue massage. Massage therapy is usually not recommended in areas where you have had recent surgery or fractures or where you received radiation therapy. Massage therapy is not recommended in an open wound or open infection of the skin or if you have acute signs of infection such as fever, chills, or gastrointestinal or respiratory symptoms, and cation is recommended if you have osteoporosis.
During the manipulation of the spine, the practitioner applies a controlled amount of force to an articulation of the vertebral column, move it out of your usual range of motion. Alternatively, rhythmic force is applied to improve joint motion in the neck, spine and pelvis. The doctor may use a special table to better help accomplish adjustments. Evidence shows that the manipulation of the spine can help heal back pain, neck pain and tension.
Spinal manipulation is generally considered safe that it is not for everyone. Common side effects are discomfort in the treated area, headache and fatigue. In General, although these issues clarified within a day or two. Manipulation of the spine is usually used for lower back pain, pain, other conditions of general well-being.
Life is complicated and confusing and very choppy. At times laugh-out-loud moments are not always accessible, but there are some tips that can be used to bring the laughter in your life.
-One must determine the profile of mood. Discover what makes you laugh and do it more often. As different people have different musical tastes, the same way we also laugh at different things.
-Spend more time with people who make you laugh.
-Invite your friends for funny watching movies together, you'll find yourself laughing harder and longer than if you had seen everything by yourself.
-Suppose your car breaks down in the middle of traffic and you don't have a cell phone or spare tire instead of kicking yourself, laugh at his own incompetence. Laugh at the absurdity of the situation. It requires a certain amount of detachment-a can laugh in a situation where you're above it, not inside it and with that kind of detachment, you can see things as funny and not frustrating.
-Laughter and tears are two responses to frustration and exhaustion. I'd laugh in such situations, as there is less cleaning up to do after.
-Hang around with kids more. Children are constantly discovering the world around them, and much of what passes seems ridiculous and amazing, who attacks them as funny. Some things that doesn't seem funny to you, but when a child is laughing about something, you will find your spontaneous rise in contagious.
-Laugh at yourself. Recognises that funny some of its behavior is really, especially its shortcomings and errors. Sense of humor is the ability to laugh at yourself. Laughing at others can be painful and average but laughing at yourself so hearted lit can be a great way to cheer up.
-Inject humor where it is desirable that people like to laugh.
-Do not run scared of dark humor as the laughter that arises from that humor is not a callous reaction, rather that he makes the Declaration that life is not something to be affirmed ecstatically as recognized comically.
-A smile is not the same as the laughter, but they are part of the same family. If you're feeling so low that you can't remember when you smiled, I know that this could be a warning sign of depression.
Osteoarthritis (OA): a common disorder of generative – risk factors, symptoms and location
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease. Is a chronic disease. There is no well-established way to cure it. The goals are to prevent osteoarthritis to improve circulation and joint strength, control pain, enjoy a healthy lifestyle and maintain an acceptable weight. Some factors that increase the risk of osteoarthritis are:
-Age: more than 50 people are at increased risk of osteoarthritis.
-Gender: Osteoarthritis occurs more often in women. Before 45 reaches men because of injuries. After 45 to 70 women predominate. After 70 both sexes are equally at risk.
-Obesity: Being overweight at middle age and later.
-Bad Diet: fatty foods, alcohol and high cholesterol.
-Joint misalignment: If joints move or fall incorrectly as bow legs or a dislocated hip.
-Genes: a defect in a gene responsible for the formation of collagen results in cartilage that is weakest and degrades faster.
-Lifestyle: Sports injuries to his knees and hips, walking barefoot on marble floors, poorly fitting shoes etc.
-Weak muscles: they put a lot of pressure on common leading to tears in the tendon.
Osteoarthritis (OA) can affect any joint in the body, some joints are more vulnerable than others. More specific areas are:
-fingers where bone spurs in the middle of digits fingers produce characteristic swelling.
-joints of the knees and hips are more likely to produce severe pain and disability.
-neck and back pain can be very low.
-feet where he often stresses the linkage in the great toe.
Osteoarthritis can be capricious. Sometimes pain is experienced before the condition evolved enough to produce x-ray abnormalities. But the reverse is also possible. some individuals feel little or no discomfort even if his x-rays show advanced osteoarthritis. Pain usually starts gradually. It can be mild or severe. Although the pain is usually focused on the articulation of the involved, it can also be referred to the nearby areas. In the case of osteoarthritis, stiffness is common, but are usually solved in twenty minutes. Stiffness after rest is brief but patients with advanced osteoarthritis can be hard and creaky during most of the day. People having painful joints tend to be inactive and inactivity leads to muscle weakness another symptom.
It is a vicious circle, but appropriate forms of exercise can break the chain of disability.
Osteoarthritis (OA): a common disorder-generative – best way to handle this is moving into ...
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease. Is a chronic disease. There is no well-established way to cure it. Rest makes arthritic joints feel better, but in the long term, the exercise is better. Exercise, combined with a diet that is low in fat, rich in carbohydrates, can help you lose weight, reduce stress on weight bearing joints and limit the damage.
-Walking is the best way to keep together i.e. ankles to the shoulders of apprehension. The more you can walk, but use insoles or shoes upholstered to redistribute the weight and reduce stress.
Aerobic conditioning is good if it didn't hurt much. Any exercise that places strain hitting joints can help build muscle and maintain ligaments and tendons are strong and flexible enough to give the joints of the support they need.
-Elliptical and cycling are good exercise options.
-Recumbent cycling and rowing machines shifts burden so sensitive joints such as knees and hips.
-Water swimming and exercises will help you move stiff joints without weight of gravity with pressure.
-Elongation is necessary to move joints through a full range of motion.
-Yoga is a good thing to do.
-Resistance training maintains strong muscles, often taking the pressure off of the joints.
Some things you can do to prevent osteoarthritis are:
-keep moving.
-achieve balanced nutritious meals.
-stay slim.
-build muscles.
-Change positions during the writing or making a hand job.
-reclining in the right direction.
If the pain persists and it is interfering in daily life, consult a surgeon orthopaedic reputed accordingly adopt one of the following:
-Arthroscopy pump: Dying cartilage can be erased and rough common connections can be smoothed out.
-Bone Fusion: Fusion together with pins or plates can eliminate the pain.
-Joint Replacement: Joint bones are damaged beyond repair, a joint replacement may be old fashioned from metal alloys, high-density plastics.
-Repair tissue or osteotomy: fails joints can cause the surrounding muscles, ligaments and tendons to reattach or repair them. This is done without cutting muscle to ensure future recovery and less damage.
-Replacement of cartilage cell: new cells are injected mixed.
Almonds conjures up visions of health, beauty, diet and a lifestyle. Almonds aren't indulgence of a wealthy man. they are woven into the very fabric of Indian cuisine, even in life itself. The reasons are simple.
-Almonds are packed with nutrients and supplements to virtually all foods with his characteristic soft taste.
-Almonds are rich in nutrients like protein quality and mono unsaturated fat.
-Eat almonds not necessarily lead to weight gain. Instead, they play a crucial role in weight management because of their effect on satiety, appetite.
-Almonds can be used in several ways such as sliced, diced, roasted, or flavor. You can munch on anyway you like almonds.
-Eat almonds with their brown skin also provides dietary fiber and powerful antioxidants that help protect your body from free radicals.
-A handful of almonds a day is a healthy snack, perfect for the whole family, anywhere or in game.
-Almonds can be eaten throughout the day.
-Almonds may become a routine of eating to overcome the stress of pregnancy post and weakness.
-Almonds may help protect against diseases of lifestyle.
-California almonds are cholesterol free and low in saturated fat, making them a tempting option for meals and snacks more intelligent.
-Almonds can also help in maintaining a healthy heart with healthy cholesterol levels.
-Almonds can help reduce LDL or bad cholesterol as part of a diet low in saturated fat.
-Almonds help in regulating blood pressure.
-Fibres in almonds have a detoxifying effect and prevents cancer.
-Almonds also has a stabilising effect on sugar levels and insulin after meals, providing protection against diabetes.
-Only four or five almonds to eat every day will prevent constipation.
-Almonds are rich in manganese, copper, riboflavin and all that aid in energy production.
-Almonds contain folic acid, a proven defense against birth defects.
-Almonds improve intellectuals.
A sharing, friend suggested to my mum that " Eating anout 24 Almonds a day will help reduce cholesterol level."
After a month or so her cholesterol level drop. But before you try talk to your doctor first.
Some common herbs and spices that not only add flavor to foods, but also helps preserve health cognition and brain growth.
Herbs and spices are natural products made from leaves, roots, flowers and seeds of plants. They have been used to preserve foods and add flavor and medicinal qualities. Many herbs and spices are excellent sources of antioxidants, vitamins and molecules that may help protect brain cells from aging and damage caused by toxins.
-Garlic can protect neurons from cell death.
-Garlic promotes the growth of neurons.
-Garlic increases the ability of learning and memory.
-Garlic lowers the risk factors for Alzheimer's disease.
-Garlic Boosts antioxidants.
-Garlic inhibits inflammation.
-Garlic lowers cholesterol and platelet aggregation.
-Garlic lowers blood pressure.
-Garlic prevents brain damage associated with stroke.
-Rosemary contains a powerful antioxidant carnosic acid protects brain cells from oxidative stress and promote the dilation of the cerebral arteries.
-Rosemary can reduce blood glucose and increase serum levels of insulin in diabetic animals.
-Odor Rosemary reduces pulse rates and levels of anxiety.
-Perfume Rosemary can help improve memory performance.
-Sage can help protect against some of the harmful effects on brain cells of beta-amyloid toxic.
-Sage appears to alleviate some symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, improve communication between the various regions of the brain.
-Sage is a powerful source of antioxidants.
-Sage helps fight inflammation.
-Sage is thought to have anti-anxiety effects.
Tea is a drink popular in India. If you are concerned with the calories you consume and want to reduce the intake of caffeine, a cup of green tea is the best choice. Tea benefits seem to emerge from certain compounds known as flavanoids which are antioxidants. i.e. they prevent reactive molecules damage body cells, a crucial step in the chain of events that led to heart disease and cancer.
-Regular consumption of green tea can reduce the risk of heart attack.
-Tea Consumption can reduce LDL cholesterol levels and make it less susceptible to oxidation damaging artery, as well as improving the functioning of the blood vessels, thereby preventing locks.
-Long-term tea drinkers have higher bone density.
-Tea Polyphenols stimulate energy metabolism and so promote weight loss, fat burning boost.
Humor is not the same as the laughter. Humor is a technology to provoke laughter. Laughter is the physiological response of humor. A common misconception is that laughter is unique to the human species. In fact, is not the case. Almost all mammals riem, one way or another. Laughter came in animals, as a matter of natural selection, in fact a tool of survival.
-Laughter is innate, in fact, is the first social vocalization issued by infants. It seems that the laughter has a biological basis, rooted in our genes and despite different cultures have their own rules about the types of situations where the laughter is considered appropriate, as the sounds of laughter are themselves indistinguishable from one culture to another.
-Laughter is not about jokes, though the two may appear inseparable. Laughter is primarily a social lubricant, not a response to funny situations. The fact that laughter works as a glue, keeping people together.
-Laughter is so contagious as a yawn. Our brains respond to emotive sounds, this response occurs in the area of the brain that is activated when we smile, as if preparing our facial muscles to laugh. Our laughter and laughter from the other person tend to become intertwined and Antiphons.
-Laughter reduces the levels of stress hormones and thus reducing the risk of heart attacks. Stress is associated with damage to the inner lining of blood vessels that encourages inflammation and arterial stiffening plate with resulting can lead to heart attack.
-Laughter is a coping mechanism in cancer.
-Laughter is an immune system booster. Rev the production of antibodies and enhance the activation of the protective body cells that destroy viruses and tumor cells.
-Laughter helps over weight loss as you burn more calories when you laugh. Reducing the levels of stress hormone, laughter helps deal with this bogey.
-Laughter improves appetite Eve as it helps burn calories. Increased appetite seems to occur via the effect that the laughter has on the levels of appetite hormones.
-Riso acts as a survival tool. If laughter behind the intimacy, it can also facilitate distance of emotional pain. Laugh in a painful situation, or plight is not emotional, but avoid reckoning to gain perspective needed to make the experience more productive.
Previous entry: another reason to get a good amount of sleep – protection against colon cancer next entry: how to keep the laughter flowing in this hectic lifestyle?