Humor is not the same as the laughter. Humor is a technology to provoke laughter. Laughter is the physiological response of humor. A common misconception is that laughter is unique to the human species. In fact, is not the case. Almost all mammals riem, one way or another. Laughter came in animals, as a matter of natural selection, in fact a tool of survival.
-Laughter is innate, in fact, is the first social vocalization issued by infants. It seems that the laughter has a biological basis, rooted in our genes and despite different cultures have their own rules about the types of situations where the laughter is considered appropriate, as the sounds of laughter are themselves indistinguishable from one culture to another.
-Laughter is not about jokes, though the two may appear inseparable. Laughter is primarily a social lubricant, not a response to funny situations. The fact that laughter works as a glue, keeping people together.
-Laughter is so contagious as a yawn. Our brains respond to emotive sounds, this response occurs in the area of the brain that is activated when we smile, as if preparing our facial muscles to laugh. Our laughter and laughter from the other person tend to become intertwined and Antiphons.
-Laughter reduces the levels of stress hormones and thus reducing the risk of heart attacks. Stress is associated with damage to the inner lining of blood vessels that encourages inflammation and arterial stiffening plate with resulting can lead to heart attack.
-Laughter is a coping mechanism in cancer.
-Laughter is an immune system booster. Rev the production of antibodies and enhance the activation of the protective body cells that destroy viruses and tumor cells.
-Laughter helps over weight loss as you burn more calories when you laugh. Reducing the levels of stress hormone, laughter helps deal with this bogey.
-Laughter improves appetite Eve as it helps burn calories. Increased appetite seems to occur via the effect that the laughter has on the levels of appetite hormones.
-Riso acts as a survival tool. If laughter behind the intimacy, it can also facilitate distance of emotional pain. Laugh in a painful situation, or plight is not emotional, but avoid reckoning to gain perspective needed to make the experience more productive.
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