The main purpose of hands-on therapy called feldenkrais Method is to help you become more conscious of your posture and movement patterns, explore how you simply and enhance learning of new standards. This approach is not intended to treat specific medical conditions, but instead helps you respond differently to them. Based on the theory that people over a period of time to develop standards to compensate for the pain or injury, but these standards can become obstacles to healing and optimal functioning. Subtle changes to these habits can improve flexibility, balance, breathing and coordination, relieve tension, pain and tension.
The program is offered in two ways:
-Firstly, you're verbally guided through movements smooth, usually while lying on the floor or sitting in a Chair.
-Secondly, it uses a contact practical to meet individual needs. The practitioner can move his arms, legs, head or trunk so as to enhance their awareness of patterns of movement.
-With both forms, the practitioner can call attention to elements as your breathing or the differences between the two sides of his body.
Because the movements are smooth and do not involve any pain or tension, most people can participate and possibly benefit from this method. People who use this method often perceive changes in the patterns of thinking when they change their patterns of movement. This method is most often used for greater flexibility, coordination and balance, neck, back and relieving joint pain, headache, neuromuscular diseases and physical rehabilitation.
The Alexander technique hands-on focuses on unlearning harmful patterns of movement. There is a set of exercises, but a conscious change in mentality that supports better physical movement. Its basic principles emphasize balance, ease, lightness and stream to neutralize the stiffness, stress and tension. Another goal of Alexander is restore expansiveness global body. Alexander method is most often used to improve coordination and balance, pain relief and improvement of conditions caused by misalignment as chronic muscular tension and pain in lower back and neck.
During a typical session, the practitioner uses a practical approach to guide you. You may find yourself at the table while the practitioner gently guides its members. During their daily activities, the practitioner can give you verbal suggestions such as "back lengthens and broadens" or "front of the head and even" to help you shed the harmful habits.
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