Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease. Is a chronic disease. There is no well-established way to cure it. Rest makes arthritic joints feel better, but in the long term, the exercise is better. Exercise, combined with a diet that is low in fat, rich in carbohydrates, can help you lose weight, reduce stress on weight bearing joints and limit the damage.
-Walking is the best way to keep together i.e. ankles to the shoulders of apprehension. The more you can walk, but use insoles or shoes upholstered to redistribute the weight and reduce stress.
Aerobic conditioning is good if it didn't hurt much. Any exercise that places strain hitting joints can help build muscle and maintain ligaments and tendons are strong and flexible enough to give the joints of the support they need.
-Elliptical and cycling are good exercise options.
-Recumbent cycling and rowing machines shifts burden so sensitive joints such as knees and hips.
-Water swimming and exercises will help you move stiff joints without weight of gravity with pressure.
-Elongation is necessary to move joints through a full range of motion.
-Yoga is a good thing to do.
-Resistance training maintains strong muscles, often taking the pressure off of the joints.
Some things you can do to prevent osteoarthritis are:
-keep moving.
-achieve balanced nutritious meals.
-stay slim.
-build muscles.
-Change positions during the writing or making a hand job.
-reclining in the right direction.
If the pain persists and it is interfering in daily life, consult a surgeon orthopaedic reputed accordingly adopt one of the following:
-Arthroscopy pump: Dying cartilage can be erased and rough common connections can be smoothed out.
-Bone Fusion: Fusion together with pins or plates can eliminate the pain.
-Joint Replacement: Joint bones are damaged beyond repair, a joint replacement may be old fashioned from metal alloys, high-density plastics.
-Repair tissue or osteotomy: fails joints can cause the surrounding muscles, ligaments and tendons to reattach or repair them. This is done without cutting muscle to ensure future recovery and less damage.
-Replacement of cartilage cell: new cells are injected mixed.
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